About Us


The Government of Zimbabwe identified devolution as a key pillar to achieving an upper middle income economy status by 2030. Under devolution, citizens are involved in setting the development agenda in their communities. The framework for devolution is enshrined in section 264 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe and other subsidiary legislation such the Urban Council Act (Chapter 29:15), Rural Councils Act (Chapter 29:13), Regional and Town and Country Planning Act (Chapter 29: 12), Rural Councils and Administration Act (Chapter 29:11) Implementation of devolution will build on and fine tune the existing decentralized administrative structures. 

The office of  the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution  mission  is to lead the entire Provincial Government machinery in the formulation, advocacy, coordination, monitoring, evaluation and implementation of policies, programmes and projects for quality service delivery and socio-economic development in pursuit of quality service delivery for all by 2030

Provincial Leadership

Hon. Dr. Evelyn Ndlovu

Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution- Matabeleland South Province

Latiso Dlamini (Ms)

Secretary for Provincial Affairs and Devolution- Manicaland Province

Hon. Albert Nguluve(MP)

Member of Paliament – Matabeleland South Province 


  • Facilitate coordination between Central Government and the Provincial and Metropolitan Councils to ensure effective implementation of Government policies, plans, programmes and projects in the Province;
  • Ensure a synergetic relationship between the National Planning Agenda and Provincial/Metropolitan Plans and Programmes;
  • Monitor and evaluate implementation of policies, programmes and projects by the Provincial/Metropolitan Councils, Ministries, Government Departments/State Enterprises, Parastatals and Development Partners/Agencies in the Province to ensure attainment of national aspirations and objectives;
  • Give impetus to strategic Government interventions such as Community Share Ownership Trusts and Employee Ownership Schemes leveraging on resources comparative advantages in the Province;
  • Preside over all State Occasions and Functions such as Heroes and Independence Day Celebrations;
  • Coordinate State visits by visiting dignitaries in the Province;
  • Facilitate, oversee and coordinate implementation of the Devolution process; and
  • Report to His Excellency the President as appropriate.
  • Coordinate implementation of devolution policies and plans at all levels;
  • Monitor and evaluate the implementation of Government programmes, policies and projects at provincial level;
  • Formulate Provincial development plans;
  • Coordinate inter-ministerial national priority programmes;
  • Coordinate the implementation of multilateral programmes to ensure that they reflect national interest and priorities;
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